Monday, September 21, 2015

Louisiana Promoter Angelle Ozenne Takes Over Male Dominated Industry!!

UM: Tell us a little bit about your background and how did you get started in the industry?
AO: My background is in customer service, period. In 2009, I quit my 9-5 job and took a leap of faith, opening my own clothing boutique, which I did in 2010 (closed physical location in 2013). When I got out of a long-term relationship at age 33, I started going out again. That is when realized that normal clubbing for a lady over 30 wasn't as fun as it was in my 20's, so I started brainstorming. I had only been to 2 or maybe 3 adult entertainment shows prior to me doing my first show in August 2013. It started out small at first, but the support was great...and there you have it.

UM: What has been your biggest challenge as a female promoter in a male dominated industry?
AO: People think that all females in this industry are sleeping with dancers. It's business...period...and there is money to be made. 

UM: Does working in this type of industry affect you your love life? 
AO: It hasn't thus far. I am secure and outspoken anyway, so any man that can deal with my personality can definitely deal with what I do. Insecurity has no place in my life!!! An intelligent man would be smart enough to support his woman and get that money with her.

UM: What can we expect from the next upcoming show in Lafayette, LA taking place October 17th?
AO: OMG, FRESH MEAT!!! Lol...I'm excited to bring down Swagga, Philly's wild boy. When you see his 6ft plus stature and all the tats it's intimidating, but he's a sweetheart. And WET DREAM, a female (dom/lesbian) dancer who will shut it down. I personally do not watch female entertainers, but when I say she hits like the men and gives you a show...just wait!!!

See Full Interview In Upcoming Fall 2015 Printed Issue!!