Friday, December 12, 2014

Monica Carter Debuts New Book "Celibate, Fabulous, and Fearless"


Monica Carter
Author and Motivational Speaker 
Debuts Her New Book  "Celibate, Fabulous, and Fearless"

Monica Carter is swiping the nation by storm with her new book that is instilling positivity and hope for both men and women. She shares her testimony and takes her readers along the journey towards faith and a righteous 
 Read her full interview below.

Q1: Welcome Monica Carter! Tell us a little bit about your novel “Celibate, Fabulous, and Fearless”, and what inspired you to write this novel?
A: Just the name “Celibate” makes it unique.  Everything is about sex these days and, I want women to know you can be celibate and have values, and men can be fearless. My book is much more than just about Celibacy. It is about adultery, unholy soul ties, relationships, unforgiveness, benefits of living for God as a single or married couple, it’s encouraging to persevere through your pain, obstacles, tragedies and disappointments.  How we shouldn’t display our body to anyone other than our spouses.  It’s not just for Christians; it can be a benefit to everyone in their daily lives, like a self-help book.  The book will empower, gives people faith and constantly shows you that you have to persevere through any situation.

‘Celibate& Fabulous’ is for women and ‘Celibate and Fearless” is for men.  There is a male and woman shoe on the cover of my book and the goal is for men and women to go to heaven and walk thru those pearly gates.  The cover has pearly gates and there is a mansion in heaven. I have always journaled all my life and my initial book was going to be called “Finally Mr. Right”, so I changed chapter 10 to “Finally Mr. Right”, because  my wedding did not move forward in 2013 and I didn’t have desire to launch the book. But I was at church one day in February 2014 and Pastor KC said someone needs to “Answer the Call”.  I didn’t have the cover title or vision of the cover and GOD gave it to me in a matter of thirty days.  This is all ordained by GOD not me, because I didn’t even have the desire to launch a book after my heartbreak

Q2: What message do you hope to get across to your readers?
A: Putting my life journey and walk with Christ on display has shown many obstacles, including me being shot and almost losing my life, being in an abusive marriage, and just last year almost left at the altar.  GOD never said we would not go thru trials and tribulations, but when you focus on JESUS and put all your cares in his hand, He promises to bring you through.  As TD Jakes says; ‘your blessing is in your breaking” and you can’t grow unless you go through trials and tribulations. I want men and women to become closer to God, be inspired and empowered to live for him. I have added scriptures to many of my life experiences as it relates to family, fornication, the church, friends, relationships, etc.  I have already received so many testimonies from people who have been suicidal, depressed, discouraged, and after hearing me speak and reading my book they say their lives have been changed and no longer are in those distressed places.  This is the entire goal for GOD to get all the glory, to bring men and women closer to GOD, inspire, encourage and motivate all ages.  So many people are hurting and it comes out in their behavior (attitude, relationships, etc).  If you can sustain from sex before marriage, you can definitely be faithful to your spouse after marriage.  Celibacy resembles self-control, as one of the ‘Fruits of the Spirits’!  Do you allow sex to control you/mind or do you control it?

Q3: Do you plan to release similar types of novels in the future? 
A: Yes, I love to write and I have some more books to launch.  My passion is inspiring and motivating people through Gods words.  My next book will not be about Celibacy, but it will be in the relationship category.  This topic will live on forever, because so many people are still trying to figure out how to make a relationship last.  The answers are very simple and I talk about relationships in my current book, but stay tuned for more to come to enlighten #TeamMsCarter.

Q4: Do you have any other upcoming projects or events that everyone should know about? 
My next book signing will be Sunday, December 14, 2014 at the Beachfront Bazaar Lounge at 1900 E. Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA  90802.  We’re planning a National Tour in 2015 and much more.

Also, Incline Magazine under the “Life Advice” column launched #AskMonica where #TeamMsCarter can send me any type of questions every other Tuesday of each month by way of contacting me on Twitter;@MsCarterCelFab using hashtag #AskMonica.  Incline Magazine is headquartered in Houston, TX.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Q5: Where can those who want to follow your work go to keep up with the latest updates?   

A: Please visit my website for updates and follow me on social media: Twitter - @MsCarterCelFab, Instagram – AuthorMsCarterCelFab and my Facebook Fan Page – MsCarterCelFab.  TeamMsCarter can also email me with any questions at